Colombia & New York here I come!

colombia kartLørdag 28. februar reiser jeg til Colombia med Randesund Misjonskirke.Fo de av dere som ikke er så veldig kjent på globusen så ligger det i Sør-Amerika.

Vi skal besøke Bogotá og Cartagena. Ellers så vet jeg ikke så mye hva som skjer enda.

Vi skal blant annet besøke prosjektet Jakobs Hus i Bogotá i Colombia. Jakobs Hus er et rehabiliteringssenter/program for rusavhengige gatebarn mellom 8 og 12 år.

Vi skal hjelpe med å pusse opp litt og diverse andre ting.

Vi blir totalt i Colombia i 9 eller 10 dager.

Etter et lite søk etter Colombia, Cartagena og Bogotá så var dette det som kom opp ganske tidlig på Google.

Er dette noe av det som venter?

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New York

Etter 9-10 dager i Colombia så bærer turen hjemover, men på veien så blir det et lite stopp i New York! Savner den byen. Var der våren 2006. Denne gangen skal det shoppes mye mer en sist gang! Vi skal innom  Woodbury Common Premium Outlets og handle store deler av den ene dagen! Oppholdet i New York blir ca 4 dager.

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Nå gjenstår bare pakkingen og alt det stresset rundt det!

Jeg gleder meg sykt!


Stress å jobbe natt!


Bilde hentet fra:

Denne uken så har jeg jobbet jobbet natt som tittelen tilsier! Det betyr å jobbe fra 23-07 og så sove når kroppen begynner å bli klar til å sove som i mitt tilfelle ikke er før litt etter 9…

Når man legger seg klokka 9 så er jo hele dagen ødelagt! Å stå opp klokken 16 er ikke bra! man er trøtt i et par timer til kliokken blir 18 og så sitter man og sløver til man skal på jobb igjen klokken 23. Det er bare slitsomt å jobbe natt.

Den siste natten er som regel den hardeste. Natt til torsdag. Da er det ofte en del folk ute og alle skal ha mat før de skal hjem. Er passe stille før rushet kommer og så blir det stille igjen etterpå, men det er den siste natta og en er litt sliten så det blir ekstra slitsomt da.

Denne uken var jeg også heldig at jeg fikk en ekstra natt, natt til lørdag, det var bare hardt! Måtte jobbe fordi ei hadde tråkka over… :( Greit med litt ekstra penger til jeg skal på ferie da! :)



Higher and Higher

Amazing grace how sweet the sound
That saved someone like me, unchained this heart
What deep a love the Father’s shown
Pulled me out from the pit, made me his own

And I will lift you high
Higher and higher
As long as there is breath in me

Will I, I’ll lift you high
Higher and higher
From now and through eternity, will I

Amazing love how sweet the sound
That shook the earth when the Son came down
The blood flowed down upon that tree
Now God eternal walks, daily with me

©2008Copyright Christian Hesselberg. Admin. HMP/Blue Valley Records
©2008Copyright Hanif Williams.Admin.Kobalt Music Group


Liberty (The Sound of You and Me)

You’re caught up in your own traffic jam
You’re in the need of someone to come work a
Miracle for you
To come see you through

And time has left you scarred
You feel like you’re about to break apart
But now it’s time to open up the doors
You’re not taking anymore

This is the shout of liberty
It’s the sound of your heartbeat
See us dancing in the streets
This is the sound of you and me

Losing track of time
You’re worried that you’re gonna fall behind
But I know that it’s all goin be ok
‘Cause hope will find a way

I will be your shelter through the fire and the storm
Your love will be my cover when the nights are getting cold
‘Cause you’re the beating of my heart, and I’m the breath you breathe
When you’re caught up in the darkness there’s a sound to set you free

©2008Copyright Christian Hesselberg. Admin.HMP/Blue Valley Records
©2008Copyright Hanif Williams.Admin.Kobalt Music Group


100 000 mph

What is this fire burning
Why do I keep on turning
Back for more
Back for more

What is this heart revealing
Why do I keep on seeking
In the night
In the night

I hear the heavens shaking
I feel the ground is breaking
Turn me around
Release me now

Take me a hundred thousand miles an hour
Higher, I’m gonna leave this world on fire
Love, love, love find me here and pick me up so I can
Find my own way

Don’t let me stay in silence
Don’t let me walk in blindness
Let me in
Under your skin

Come let me feel your heart beat
Come let me see the water
Move me in
It’s creeping in

I only move when I can feel you moving me
I only breathe when I can feel you’re breathing near
So close to loosing you again
So close to loosing you my friend

©2008Copyright Christian Hesselberg. Admin. HMP/Blue Valley Records
©2008Copyright Hanif Williams. Admin.Kobalt Music Group


All I’d Ever Want

How could it be
We’ve fallen so deep
I’ve messed it  up
Now all I’ve got
Is just the memory

We’ve come through the fire
And fought through the rain
Walked through the struggles together
I thought that wouldn’t change
Tell me what’s wrong cause

All I’d ever want was you
And all you’d ever want was me
Together we needed no one else

And you were everything to me
And I was the one that you’d need
And nothing could stop us in all the earth

I’ve got to get back
Back to the start
I wanna break down these walls that keep tearing us apart
Tell me where we’ve gone cause

It’s not over
We’re not over
I’m not letting go
Stay here with me,
Listen to me
I still need you here

©2008Copyright Christian Hesselberg. Admin. HMP/Blue Valley Records
©2008Copyright Hanif Williams.Admin.Kobalt Music Group


When All Turns (Interlude 1)

When all turns dark as night
Still my soul will sing I love you
When I feel lost and blind
Still my soul will cry I love you

©2008Copyright Christian Hesselberg. Admin. HMP/Blue Valley Records


Through Everything

You who calmed the stormy sea
And commanded rushing waves to
Still waters
Come quiet me

Giver of the perfect peace
Lay your heavy rest on me
And still this soul
Come quiet me

Peace that will outlive
Every storm
Of this world
Peace that will endure
Through it all
Through everything

Everything is in your hand
The universe and all I am
So calm this heart
In knowing who you are

Through it all
Through the storm
You hear my call
I know that you’ll answer me

In the rage
And the waves
Your peace will stay
I know you’re here with me

Peace that will outlive every storm of this world
Peace that will endure trough it all, through everything

©2008Copyright Christian Hesselberg. Admin. HMP/Blue Valley Records
©2008Copyright Hanif Williams. Admin.Kobalt Music Group


Talk To Me

Talk to me now
Like only you can do
With words that will find me
And see me through

Take me away
Up on that hill
Where your fragile love was all I
Needed it to be

‘Cause everything all of me
Is held in you in all that you do
With you I have life
In every breath that we share

Verse 2
I find my rest
In the shade of your soul
Such beauty that shines from you
It colours my world

This walk that we share
Nothing compares
We bleed into one as
We go, out into the sun

‘Cause you have loved me like no one else before
And you have shown me my heart
So I will hold you like no one else can do
And I will love you for life

©2008Copyright Christian Hesselberg. Admin. HMP/Blue Valley Records
©2008Copyright Hanif Williams.Admin.Kobalt Music Group



In mistyland, when confusion takes my hand
When my cry leaves me with no reply
When future seems fragile and fear calls my name

You’re the very rock I stand on
I’m holding on to you

You will be the faithful ‘til the end
Through the tears and raging storms
You’ll never let me go

Everything I am is in your hands
No matter what may come my way
Your promises will stay

When I have more questions than answers to hold
When I feel doubt makes me loose control
When people fail, turning their backs on me

You will never let me go
You will never let me go
I’m holding on I won’t let go
Of you
Like the breath I’m breathing in
Holy Father take me in
I’m crying

©2008Copyright Christian Hesselberg. Admin. HMP/Blue Valley Records
©2008Copyright Hanif Williams.Admin.Kobalt Music Group