
Once again I come to you
Knowing you’re God and I am not
Placing you in the centre
God everlasting
God the Father
The great I Am

You are
You are
You are beautiful

Once again I will praise you
Knowing your worthy in every way
Placing my life in your hands
Christ everlasting
Christ my saviour
The great I Am

What love displayed upon that tree
A love that still amazes me
A love that washed the stains and broke the chains

So I will worship with all I’ve got
As long as I’ve breath I’ll shout it out
Beauty beyond anything I could compare

©2008Copyright Christian Hesselberg. Admin. HMP/Blue Valley Records
©2008Copyright Hanif Williams.Admin.Kobalt Music Group


Here We Stand

Only you can satisfy
Hear our cry and breathe new life
Only you can set us free
Open eyes to what we need

Only you can give us grace
Deep enough to lift our shame
Only you can touch our hearts
Deep enough to raise us up

Through the cross you made a way
Through the cross you broke the chains
So we’ll sing
Giving everything

Here we stand broken-hearted shouting
You alone make us whole
Here we are shouting freely, only
You alone have saved us all

Here we are singing praises to you Father
You gave it all
Worthy, worthy are you, only
You alone, you alone Lord

Only you will be our fire
The air we breathe and our desire
Only you will be the light
Through our brokenness you’ll shine

Only you can give a love
Strong enough to pick us up
Only you can fill our hearts
With the deepest joy and life

Hear this song we’ll sing it out
With heaven shout: You’re everything
And we will lift you higher so much higher
Like no other one

©2008Copyright Christian Hesselberg. Admin. HMP/Blue Valley Records
©2008Copyright Hanif Williams. Admin.Kobalt Music Group


I’ll Let You In

Come turn me inside out
Come turn my dark to light
Search every part of me

I will stop hiding and
Show who I really am
I’ll give this heart to you

I’ll let you in
I’ll let you in
So you can raise every dead part of me
Back to life

Tear down these walls I’ve built
Come closer than my skin
I’ll give you everything

Now hear these words I pray
I’ll break if you don’t stay
Come and release me

I’ll let you in
I’ll let you in
So you can raise every dead part of me
Back to life

I let you in
I’ll let you in
So you can take back the life that I stole
Come take control

Take me and break me
Heal me and save me
Let your light shine through
Search me find me
Hold me know me
Let your light shine through

©2008Copyright Christian Hesselberg. Admin. HMP/Blue Valley Records
©2008Copyright Hanif Williams.Admin.Kobalt Music Group


Open Up

Can you see the heavy sky
At the verge of breaking out
Come living water and flood our hearts
To set this world on Fire

Open up
Open up
Open up the heavens

Can you see this broken world
Healed when heaven touches earth
So we cry out let your will be done
More than ever let your kingdom come

It’s time to be your hands and feet
We’ll stand on your word Lord, we won’t stay weak
We’re ready to walk
We’re ready to give
As we pray out Father
Let your love flood the streets

©2008Copyright Christian Hesselberg. Admin. HMP/Blue Valley Records
©2008Copyright Hanif Williams. Admin.Kobalt Music Group


Heartbeat Symphony

You put me back together again
Picked up my broken heart and made it mend
And through my walk I’ve tasted and seen
It’s your love and faithfulness that carries me

How wonderful how glorious you are
Your love has struck the deepest in my heart
How beautiful how amazing is your grace
You’ve won this heart, now I’m forever changed

No words can fully tell how great you are
A Fathers love that’s higher than the stars
And if this heart belonged to you before
Know that time has only made me love you more

©2008Copyright Christian Hesselberg. Admin. HMP/Blue Valley Records
©2008Copyright Hanif Williams.Admin.Kobalt Music Group


Won't You Come And Stay (Interlude 2)

Won’t you come and stay
And take this burden away
‘Cause these hands are tied
To this darkened life

Take me and break me
Hold me and save me
Let your light shine through
Search me like me
Heal me love me
Let your light shine through

©2008 Copyright Christian Hesselberg. Admin. HMP/Blue Valley Records


Jon Stewart

Fant dette bildet av Jon Stewart fra The Daily Show! Han er fantastisk!




Kreativ fletting

Ramlet inn på denne bloggen i dag. Der kan man se masse ting som omhandler hår. Tips og styling. Det som slo meg da var denne videoen. Jeg digger kreativ fletting. Synes det ser skikkelig bra ut på ei jente! Det fineste er hvis den er asymmetrisk.

Dagens anbefaling blir SalongBloggen


Overhalt designet litt

I dag har jeg overhalt designet. Jeg ble lei av grønt og gått i sidebaren og endret det til 1 bar som var i forskjellige blåtoner. Ble egentlig ganske godt fornøyd :)

Noe du mener jeg bør forandre på? Eller noe du savner her på bloggen?




I dag fant jeg en av de morsomste parkeringshistoriene jeg noen gang har lest! På bloggen til Hanne så kan du lese historien. Jeg sier meg veldig enig med hvordan hun taklet situasjen.

Feilparkering er lite morsomt når det er du som er «offeret»!
