No One Wants Forever

Foto: M. Angel Herrero -

Denne sangen her har jeg fått litt på hjernen. Den er fin, enkel, dyp, og rett og slett fin. Ja en forvirrende setning det der, men sånn skal det være av og til.
Laurel Music – No One Wants Forever

If you want to be alone here with me
you must understand my weakness
It’s the way that he left me and bereft me of my love
without a warning without mourning almost yawning

No one wants forever anymore
cause no one dares to try
No one wants and ever like before

If you want to see the world that’s in me
You should know I’ll always need him
It’s the way that I met him
There’s no way that I could possibly forget him
like he got me and forgot me

No one wants forever anymore
cause no one wants to try
No one wants and ever like before

no one wants forever anymore
and no one wants to be there like i know i might have been
no one wants endeavour like before



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